Geolantis.360 Viewer

How to filter features by attribute values?

224 views August 10, 2018 September 28, 2022 hanie 8

Extended Filter

The Extended Filter function will filter the map features according to a rule applied to custom feature attributes. The Filter rules can be saved as a template for future use in Projects with the same active Features. For example, you can use the Extended Filter to display all sewer pipes with a diameter of 300mm that are made from plastic.

The extended filter can be used as follows: 

  1. Go to the Features page
  2. Select an active project
  3. Use the side arrows or the mouse scroll wheel for horizontal scrolling on the menu to reveal the Extended Filter list
  4. Click on the Attributes list to open the attribute filter tool
  5. Define a rule with conditional logic (and/or)
  6. Select a feature class to apply the filter on
  7. Click the Add button to add more conditions, or click the Remove button to delete conditions
  8. Choose a feature class custom attributes in the Value column
  9. Define the condition criteria [equals/contains] in the Mode column
  10. Provide the comparative attribute value in the Text column
  11. Click on Save Template to save a new filter attribute template
  12. Click on Load Template to apply, modify, or delete an existing attribute filter template
  13. Click on Save & Close  to apply the filter
    The attribute filter templates can be reused in the Features and can be applied within Projects that contain the same filter template features.


Note the following changes after applying an attribute filter template:

  1. The number of active attribute filter conditions will appear in the attributes list
  2. The Stop button in the Attributes list can be used to disable the active filter
  3. The number of features which meet the result of an extended filter are displayed
  4. All features that meet the filter condition(s) will be displayed on the map
  5. Only Selected features will be listed in the attributes table

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