Geolantis.360 Viewer

How to select features on the Map?

197 views August 10, 2018 August 10, 2018 hanie 3


Features Selection

Features can be listed in the Attributes Table section only when a selection is made within the Display Map section. Geolantis.360 offers several selection options that can be found at the top of the Display Map section.

Features selection can be performed as follows:

  1. Choose between the Area or Single selection mode. To select features by area, use the mouse to draw the selection area on the map. Use the Information option to disable the selection mode. When the selection mode is disabled, click on features to load the pop-up marker data
  2. Use the selection control to create, add, or remove a selection area
  3. Define a selection action if needed by switching between Clear Selection or Inverse Selection
  4. The features within the selection area will be listed in the Attributes Table
  5. Mark the check-box of single or multiple records of the listed features in the Attributes table to show their location on the map
  6. The marked features in the Attributes Table will be highlighted on the map in orange color as well as a surrounding pulse animation
  7. The features within the selection area but not marked in the Attributes Table will be  highlighted on the map in orange color only
  8. The features outside the selection area will be displayed on the map with the default color of the parent feature class


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